Welcome to Oakwood’s illustrious Epoxy Floors

From luxury garages to the hottest new restaurants and Atlanta’s popping nightclubs. Swoosh takes regular floors and turns them into timeless masterpieces.

THe Vincent van swoosh Gallery

Atlanta’s very own El malo

around 4000 sq ft of metallic epoxy laid down to help capture the vibe el malo wanted.

BEso Restaurant

Stunning flooring design for Beso. helps set the tone for the night and makes the space feel as good as it looks

SWoosh’s First FLoor

First ever floor done by swoosh himself. two car garage turned into man cave. customer asked for a wave of blue

Contact Us For Quote

Interested in transforming your space together? Request a quote by filling out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you! Take your vision into really with Swoosh.